If you wish to help feral cats with feral cat feeding and vet bills to care for hurt and sick cats you can donate below. Any donations are so appreciated and helpful.
Pictures and videos with links from this websites probably not working obviously. I may be working to restore some of my cool website content and share pages online over the next couple months. Halloween is coming and what is a face painters website without scary face paintings and halloween costumes eh. Yes this is Hilary Leigh the face painters other cool site that is now just another page to work on in hopes to get even just a small part of what was on this once huge website back online.
For Halloween 2018 I did buy face painting websites with new domain names that are kind of new to me in hopes that after all these years of non longer painting I may find it within myself to facepaint without my beloved Zola helping. Even art and canvas paintings all came to an end since Zola died. Now I sit here back in the sad yet no longer alone for I have an army of furry friends helping to heal me. I even bought a new domain name ScaryFacepaint.Com Until at least parts my old website www.facepaint.ws are back online I do not plan to add much to the scary face painting website or art pages.
Information About Zola Inspired Website ZolaEnterprises.com Copyrights & Information About My Cat Inspired Website ZolaEnterprises.com Website Content
Photos, Videos, News, Webcams, Webdesign, Art And Entertainment Online via ZolaEnterprises.com Websites Content Is Copyrights Of Zola & Zolaente AKA Hilary The Kitties Hiddie. This Sites all the work of one person a cat lady and true animal lover. ZolaEnterprises.com was inspired by the real talking cat ZOLA. It is not legal to use or reproduce any of my websites content or any of my work in anyway.
May 10th 2014 My Beloved Talking Cat Zola died.
Zola spent her final days in a Swedish Animal Hospital in Gothenburg Sweden (Göteborg Sverige) with her kidneys failing. I was with her when she passed away and soon after I left to hide among the animals and live in nature hoping to either heal myself or spend my final days in peace away from people. During the process of mourning I planned to make a final trip back to the USA to visit my family and say goodbye. In ways I felt it was best that I leave the earth to rejoin Zola. After making my way back to the USA I found that I could not do everything I wanted to for my family in such a short time. Alot happened to me that was a reminder why I hated American life and why I never got out much when I was living and working in the USA. It is so much easier for someone like me to live and work in Europe. It is much cheaper and safer to live in Europe than living in America. If not for my family and the animals and reptiles that live in the usa I would never have touched foot on American soil again. I however ended up finding more reasons to live than I ever expected while doing time in the States. Some of which either have or will be making a flight from the usa to Europe to live in peaceful places with me.
We also own www.zola.enterprises as well as www.zolaenterprise.com but at the moment both websites redirect here.
working to restore a few articles sine it is from the usa and they operate well in the usa here it is.. shame on you usa people These are even news articles I wrote before I left the usa bs in 2007 but they still come from the usa and go on in the usa. *only in america we used to and still say eh. Shame on you americans eh*
I have some back links up if you knew us before all this if not we will link here later I think. I do not know what I will do with all this mess out here and there eh.